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This entry in my blogospehere concerns a bio of a wild western themed superheroine by the name of Rosalind Allison Hargraves AKA Madame .44.This entry was ghost-written by a chimpanzee with OCD who would enjoy it if readers would leave comments about it at the bottom of the page ....
Rosalind was designed by me to be roleplayed in a BRAND NEW TableTop Role-Playing Game entitled We Can Be Heroes which was produced by an independant company called BudStuff Games, LLC.
Info about BudStuff Games, LLC. and We Can Be Heroes can be found at this hyperlinkThe woman known as Rosalind Allison Hargraves was born in 1875 ....
By the age of 13 the nearby Hargraves and other menfolk had taught Rosalind how to use some weapons of all sorts .. and some of the women helped the girl with other age and gender specific duties. As the years progressed, Rosalind learned how to be VERY handy with all sorts of short and long-range weapons. She had to learn to shoot at first to protect the family homestead from all sorts of varmints. She then worked various jobs by 1899 ... cowhand, saloon girl, gunslinger for hire .. domestic .. etc ..... Rosalind had to do a lot to survive including a period when she was hired to lend a gun when it was felt that bad hombres were becoming too much for various lawmen.
Some folks thought a woman who focussed on weapons, gunning down bad men and the like as much as Rosalind does was unwomanly. Not to mention Rosalind is a lesbian which led to minor issues prior to 1899 ...
One late and stormy night in July of 1899, Rosalind was in the middle of a gunfight wearing her Madame .44 garb. Madame.44 wore a black domino mask and was dressed in a black Robert Conrad / James West type black suit, hat, dress shirt, gloves and boots ... with a red vest and tie in order to hide her id as much as possible and scare folks ... and there was torso / arm armor/ padding under that suit.
The gunfight was on the outskirts of what would later be part of a larger PDLC cemetary. Said fight was eerily lit by a full moon .. and mystical lightning. This shoot-out took place in an American Indian Burial Ground laden with several skeletons that were there to scare enemies. Several of the baddies decided to finally move up and target the sharp-shooting woman who had taken down a few baddies by disarming them via long-distance.Then all hell broke loose when Rosalind was shot by some baddies and was injured. Rosalind was critically shot by one one of the baddies' signature silver bullets.
Then some mystical lightning arced around and through the combatants .... while bullets flew and thunder boomed ..
The next thing Rosalind knew she was struck by but not hurt by a lightning bolt.But the fun wasn't at an end.
Rosalind screamed loudly and then found herself in a vortex. She was then hurling away from the Burial Grounds that she could barely see. She screamed more, vomited and then dropped out of the vortex then onto several full trash cans and a decrepit mattressIN 2024....
Rosalind was in extreme pain as she whimpered as new gunfire flew by her. She then crawled for cover while on a street outside of a newish cemetery. This was another section of the cemetery that she was in in an unknown number of minutes ago .
This new set of gunmen were targeting tourists for their valubles ..The tourist group included a twenty-four year old Japanese/American who Rosalind soon learned was named Neiko Kaneshiro
The enemies, police, bystanders and Neiko watched the action via poor street lighting .... Soon some folks saw this 6'2" black-haired, domino-masked gunslinger help any police with her six-guns ...The gunwoman was able to take care of some of the thieves by disarming them, etc .. Rosalind then looked down at some of her bullet wounds, the vomit and the blood
Neiko looked over at the action happening from her hiding spot behind a rock wall ... ..
Rosalind smiled at the police doing their duties then at Neiko ... then she sighed .. then she looked miserable..... Neiko's body then slumped and she looked very, very miserable at herself and then at Rosalind
An ambulance then arrived with a female police officer/EMT/driver behind the wheel. Rosalind was trying to pack her main wound with part of what was a clean, expensive and pressed black dress shirt earlier 'today'. Rosalind then pushed her Stetson towards the top of her head as she was uncomfortly loaded onto a stretcher and into the ambulance. She then got upset as her weapons [some knives, 2 .44's and a rifle] were taken, unloaded if need be and locked away by a second female police officer / EMT... AND then another female police officer / EMT had to cut away Rosalind's clothes and padding .. then clean the patient up ... Neiko was then placed and secured in the ambulance because she needed to be cleaned up.Rosalind winced when she could feel the bullets move ... then Rosalind and Neiko threw up for various reasns.
The ambulance then thundered off into the night / morning.
Neiko realized Rosalind was a super due to the healing factorThe ladies then exchanged names. Neiko was gingerly holding onto Rosalind's blood-splattered domino mask which was contained in several semi-clear biohazard bags.
Neiko asked the tall woman who looked like a refugee from a b-western if she worked at a nearby theme park. Rosalind was confused at the theme park query and said 'No ...'
The duo then looked at each other miserably until Rosalind passed out due to a heavy and safe course of drugs ... Neiko then smiled at and admired the tall, cute and sleeping woman who had saved her life .... Neiko then looked at pics on her phone. Some of the pics were of herself wearing 'western duds' while working at the theme park a few years ago which she had mentioned to Rosalind ...
The ambulance rolled into a building that would become Rosalind's home until the government 'cleared her' several months later...
Neiko's time in the facility was considerably less ...
Rosalind's main 'job' is at a TV/ movie studio. She helps to make sure scripts, costumes, weaponry, props and whatnot are perfect...
Rosalind and Neiko would very soon become a couple...
Neiko would very quickly become very fascinated with supers even more especially her lover ... and secretly wants to suit up and fight crime alongside Rosalind ...While Ros was acclimating to her new world she learned about 1899 tò 2024 as best she could .... and moďern same sex relationships ..
Neiko Kaneshiro: SteamPunk Cosplayer™